It looks like inflation is coming. This material has been prepared by .This document is for information and illustrative purposes only and does not purport to show actual results. It is not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular security or course of action. Opinions expressed… Read More »
It looks like inflation is coming in the West (North America)
Im sorry the big inflation/revaluation wont be in North America
The big inflation will be in the emerging markets like China when a revaluation happens due to them being as competitive as North America. It wont even be an inflation but a revaluation. They will be caught in technology and housing ownership will be widespread. Soon they will have their own Boeing. After that they… Read More »
The Value of Mutual Funds/ETFs In a Portfolio
The Value of Mutual Funds/ETFs In a Portfolio Warren Buffett has said that the person who does not want to worry about the stock market should be 90% in Index ETFs to the United States Stock Market (Dow Jones, S&P 500, and Russell) and 10% in short dated T-bills (Treasuries). This advice has value in… Read More »
How to value the stock market
How to value the stock market You can value the stock market in different ways. 1) The most common way is through Price to Earnings (P/E) multiples. Right now the market is being valued around 22 which is historically high for the stock market. 2) However if you look at the stock market in yield… Read More »
Match (MTCH) analysis – Up 400% since December 2015
Since our time talking about Match (MTCH) it has went from $13.91 a share to $56 USD a share. That is over 4x (400%) since December 23, 2015. It is now a $15 Billion USD business and therefore the big gains are gone. If you listened to us back in 2015, selling half your position… Read More »
Can you make 500% on Evolus (EOLS) the value Botox!
On Friday of last week Evolus drug Jeuveau gained approval from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) of the United States of America. This drug will for sure be the cheaper rival of Allergan’s Botox. What does Jeuveau do? It removes wrinkle lines on the forehead and frown wrinkles. This is significant as Baby Boomers… Read More »
Some good long term ETFs
There are several low cost (in terms of yearly fees) exchange traded funds (ETFs, which are like low cost mutual funds). That may be good over the long term and/or a recession. Remember averaging in or waiting for low time prices is best. 1) Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ) It is the top 100 technology (NASDAQ)… Read More »
We are entering a more turbulent time in the stock market
The stock market is on sale right now but it can get cheaper in terms of P/Es (Price to earnings). If your averaging into positions each month that is always best. It is possible to predict a crisis but it takes a lot of up to date as well as historical knowledge. This material has… Read More »
My Mutual Fund Commentary Only Returned 3% and 4% Yearly
It is true the commentary 2 years ago on has only returned 3% and 4% yearly which is not the best but it is a secure gain backed by bonds and income producing stocks. I am deeply sorry for not giving the best commentary. The moral of the story, even backtesting 10 or 15 years is… Read More »
Prumo Logistica being bought out at R$10.50 on the market for R$8.15 right now
Hello everyone, The people who want to buy the company are trying their hardest to buy it. We hereby call the holders of free float shares of PRUMO LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”) to convene at the Special Free Float Shareholders Meeting (“Special Meeting”), to be held on February 24, 2017, at 10 a.m., at the Company’s… Read More »